Scuba Diving:
7+1 Reasons to Give It a Try
What are the physical and mental health benefits of scuba diving? What wonders can we encounter exploring the underwater world? Is it as dangerous as we might think?

Scuba diving, also known as autonomous diving with underwater breathing apparatus, is perhaps the closest experience one can have to the sensation of “flying.” By trying it, one feels weightless, soaring in another magical blue realm beneath the surface. The world of the ocean floor.
Scuba Diving Give It a Try
Given that 70% of the Earth is covered by water and only 30% by land, scuba diving gives us the opportunity to better understand our world from a different perspective. Diving, we swim among the creatures inhabiting the sea, welcoming us to an experience entirely different from what we are accustomed to. In an exploration journey that is hard to describe and even harder to forget…
7+1 reasons to gear up and dive into the water:
#1 Mental Well-being – Stress Relief Did you know that just watching fish swim in an aquarium can alleviate stress? Imagine the tranquility and relaxation you’ll feel actively immersed in the underwater environment, swimming at a slow pace among marine creatures.
Contrary to fears that the depths might provoke, it’s more likely to feel a sense of safety and peace in this environment. After all, our lives begin in a liquid and dark environment—the womb—sharing common elements with the underwater world. The result? A calmer mind, free from everyday thoughts and noise.
Moreover, the breathing techniques during diving are similar to those in meditation, aiding our central nervous system in restoring its natural balance.
#2 Improved Blood Circulation – Reduced Blood Pressure While in the water, all muscles in your body work simultaneously, requiring oxygen and engaging the blood vessels. This enhances blood circulation.
The slow and deep breaths during diving can also contribute to lowering blood pressure. According to studies, regular divers are less prone to strokes and heart attacks.
#3 Increased Muscle Strength and Flexibility Scuba diving is considered a low to moderate-intensity exercise where all muscles work more due to water resistance.
If you want to break free from a sedentary lifestyle, take the plunge and offer your body a relaxed yet constructive workout.
#4 Healthier Skin – Strong Bones Seawater is beneficial for the skin, increasing its elasticity and improving its appearance, provided exposure is moderate. Additionally, sunlight increases vitamin D levels necessary for calcium absorption, resulting in healthier bones.
Sun exposure, always with necessary precautions, also helps boost endorphin production in the brain—the so-called “happiness hormones.”
#5 Connection with Nature (Ourselves) Dives bring us closer to nature, both literally and metaphorically.
Connecting with nature means returning to our primal roots and realizing that we are not alone. Like animals and plants, we belong to the same world, operating with a specific order and flow that, though often challenging to comprehend, we must respect and appreciate.
#6 Life Connections From 8-year-old to 88-year-old divers, meeting people with at least one common interest is inevitable. Regardless of your profession, hobbies, or friends, a new circle of relationships can start during a diving experience. And who knows? These new acquaintances might turn into meaningful life relationships.
#7 “Confidence” Chapter The sea is, as mentioned, an environment entirely different from our own, or rather, a world we haven’t entirely discovered, let alone become accustomed to. It’s natural to feel insecure and have second thoughts.
By overcoming any fears, we gain greater confidence in ourselves and our capabilities, contributing to what we call “self-confidence.”
+1 Reason to Keep Going: No Dive Is the Same What does the seabed hide within?
Even in the shallow depths you’ll reach as a beginner, on one dive, you might only see small fish, while on another, octopuses, turtles, and cuttlefish. With a bit of luck and progression, you might encounter seahorses at the edge of underwater vegetation while touching soft, natural sponges. In the deeper Greek waters and for more advanced divers, you might even swim alongside tuna and friendly dolphins.
Whatever the case, one thing is certain: Every diving experience is unique!
How to Scuba Dive Safely: Diving is only dangerous when done without supervision and without adhering to the rules set by experts. Therefore:
- Choose a diving center with certified instructors who follow all regulations and safety measures governing autonomous diving.
- Before diving, you’ll be given a medical checklist to fill out. If you have any health issues, such as respiratory problems, consult with a doctor specializing in diving medicine, as your instructor will explain.
- It’s crucial to share any concerns and be completely honest with your instructor before starting.
- Essential items to have include high SPF sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses, and water bottles.
So, what do you say? Ready for your first plunge into the deep?
Scuba Diving Give It a Try